Rakugo (落語, literally 'fallen words') is a form of Japanese verbal entertainment of yoseThe lone storyteller (落語家, rakugoka) sits on a raised platform, a kōza (高座)Using only a paper fan (扇子, sensu) and a small cloth (手拭, tenugui) as props, and without standing up from the seiza sitting position, the rakugo artist depicts a long and complicated comical (or sometimes落語の演目がイラスト付きでわかる! 落語における演目の一覧 本項は、落語の演目をまとめた記事である。 リスト 明烏 頭山(あたま山) 愛宕山 浮世床 牛褒め 鰻屋 厩火事 親子酒 火炎太鼓 笠碁 権助提灯 蒟蒻問答 紺屋高尾 尻餅 死神 七度狐 芝浜 寿限無ABOUT KATSURA SUNSHINE Katsura Sunshine was born in Toronto Canada and holds Slovenian citizenship as well as Canadian He began in entertainment as a playwright, composer and producer of musical theatre, and his musical Clouds ran 15 months in Toronto's Poor Alex Theatre and toured Canada In 08 he became the 15th apprentice to the great Rakugo Master Katsura Bunshi VI,
Yamamura Animation News
落語 頭山 動画